Monday, January 12, 2015

Iwa Akwa (Rite of Passage) Coming of Age.

Iwa Akwa (Rite of Passage) Coming of Age.

by, OKORIE Sylvester Nnamdi

The ceremony is as old as the culture of citizens of Obowo in Imo state, which is embraced and celebrated with fun and excitement by people from far and wide. The ceremony marks the coming of age of young men, who thinks that they have come of age to adulthood. It is equally a stage where a group of young men, who were born within an age bracket select their age grades and age mates. The age bracket consist of men born within 3 years, in addition to it, they could consider young men, who think they are matured enough to join the adulthood community.
Iwa Akwa, is an Igbo language that means wearing cloth, which depicts the sign that a young man has reach maturity stage. He can contribute to the affairs in decision making and other contributions to the development and growth of the community.

This celebrations brings together people from different works of life, families, friends, business associates, politicians, industrialists, etc. In as much as it is fun filled, the financial activities during this period helps to build the economic activities too. One cannot separate the fact that it is more of a multiple celebrations for those that are involved because it comes up during the Christmas and New year Holidays. The dates are chosen by the council of traditional leaders, which must be on a particular market day. The four market days which is used in Igbo calender are Eke, Orie, Afo, Nkwo.

The celebration has different stages and each stage has to be completed before moving to the next. The family of the celebrant has to call his kinsmen to officially inform them that he has reached the age and his is ready for the 'iwa akwa'. He will equally inform his maternal home, his extended families. Before the main celebration, there is a mini celebration called isi nri iwa akwa ( Cooking before Iwa Akwa (Rite of Passage) Coming of Age) for the kinsmen, age grade and community members. Every living members of kinsmen who has celebrated 'iwa akwa

' gets a share in whatever is presented to them at the 'isi nri iwa akwa' celebration.

Iwa Akwa (Rite of Passage) Coming of Age. celebration starts on the eve of the main day, with so music, dance, food, drinks etc. On the main day, the immediate past celebrants after having their rights fulfilled will come in selected numbers to dress up the celebrant with long George Wrapper, Sword pouch, and whistle as symbol of authority. Formerly, the celebrant used to have as a symbol of authority a gun and sword, but it was stopped along the line when the use became a threat to sustenance of the tradition, by violence celebrants, who used the guns and sword against other people. So they abolished the use of guns and swords.

The celebrant will join other celebrants and age mates to dance around the village square or market square that has been constructed by the successors who will be celebrating in the next 'iwa akwa' with the guideline from the celebrants. After the dance at the village square or market square, the celebrants who are accompanied by family, friends, associates, and well wishes all go back to their various homes, to continue the celebrations and to take care of their guests.

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